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Digutal HDTV Grand Alliance mebers

AD-HDTV Prototype Design (Sarnoff, Thomson, Philips, NBC)

1991 - Advanced Digital HDTV System

1991 - ATRC positions its Advanced Compatible Television (ACTV) system as it proposes Advanced Digital HDTV (AD-HDTV)

Jan 04, 1991 - PR planning for NAB messaging begins (Gray)

Jan 04, 1991 - Advanced Digital Television 1991 project plan presentation (Reitmeier)

Jan 30, 1991 -- NAB preparations begin

Feb 12, 1991  - Digital TV OSI Layers chart

Feb 5, 1991 - ADTV Progress Report  summarizes project accomplishments


"... During the past six months, the concept of digital HDTV has moved from a few small technology development activities to a major development program. Setting the stage for this transition were advances in both data compression and RF transmission that showed the basic feasibility of a digital approach. In RF transmission, two independent efforts (at Sarnoff and Thomson-LER) showed that data rates on the order of 20-30 Mbps could be transmitted in the 6 MHz broadcast channel. In data compression, independent computer simulations (at Sarnoff, Philips-Briarcliff, TCE-LA, TCE-Hannover, and Philips-Paris) showed that both DCT-based and SubBand-based compression approaches could achieve HDTV picture quality within the bit rate of the RF transmission. By August 1990, it became clear that digital was the right way to achieve HDTV..."


 Feb 06, 1991 - Rationale for ADTV white paper explains fundamental system design principles


Feb 27, 1991 - ADTV Pre-Certification System Description is submitted to ACATS


!!ATRC cover.jpg
!!Glenn and carlo
!!ATRC execs


              March18, 1991 -- ADTV project org chart


March 21, 1991 - ADTV system pre-certification presentation to ACATS (known as "hellweek") - Reitmeier

                               March 26, 1991 - Response to questions from ACATS SS-WP1 committee members 


April 1991 - ADTV system presentation at NAB 91 (Reitmeier, Basile) 

                May 10, 1991 - internal design review

                May 20, 1991 Prestation to Erich Geiger (Thomson)



1991 –  full descriptions of the four digital systems are submitted and presented to ACATS for "certification" as being deemed viable and worthy of testing

    Advanced Digital HDTV 


April 1991 - AD-HDTV and ACTV at NAB 91

NAB 91 was the first public demonstration of simulated picture clips from the AD-HDTV system.  Advanced Compatible Television (ACTV) remained the primary focus of the ATRC

1991 ATRC NAB booth
1991 NAB Sarnoff gang
1991 NAB Glenn setup
1991 NAB Terry setup
1991 NAB Terry arms
1991 NAB monitors
1991 NAB ACTV Ray Joel
1991 ACTV at NAB
1991 NAB ScottK Cynthia
mike with chart
1991 NAB JimC PeteB JoeD
1991 NAB JoelZ Ray
1991 NAB Jack BobP Bain Scott MikeS
1991 NAB blue banana TV
1991 NAB Cynthia2
1991 NAB CharlieD TV
1991 NAB Cynthia
1991 NAB Glenn
1991 NAB Glenn Lauren CharlieW
ACTV group photo j

May - Sept 1991 - AD-HDTV enters the harware design phase.  It is a massive "moon shot" effort to design a prototype implementation for what was probably the most complex television system that had ever been conceived at the time


     May 10, 1991 - internal design review kickoff (Reitmeier) 

     May 20, 1991 - System Design Progress Report Presentation to Erich Geiger (Thomson) - (Raychauduri)

     June 17, 1991 - Approach for Digital Television on Cable systems (Reitmeier)

      Aug 24, 1991 - Mid-course corrections to AD-HDTV project plan  

     Sept 1991 - Prototype Hardware Racks Configuration  |  Rack Power Requirements  |  System Integration Plan  


AD-HDTV Prototype Hardware Design


1992 AD-HDTV System Integration and Testing


April 1992 - AD-HDTV at NAB 92

NAB 92 unleashed a tremendously competitive set of booths and demosnstrations, as the competing proponent systems

Jan - June 1992 - AD-HDTV System Integration at Sarnoff Field Lab

mayflower moving j

Jan 1992 - Philips equipment arrives (al Acampora and Glenn Reitmeier)

terry supervising j
Bruce Steve

Bruce Anderson, Steve Pruss

Charlie Bill

Charlie Wine, Bill Beyers


Bhavesh Bhatt


Al Acampora

Aldo Terry
Aldo Terry Charlie

Aldo Cugnini, Terry Smith, Charlie Wine

dec debug
enc debug
glenn and terry
Glenn Carlo tshirt 1
Glenn Terry Aldo
Glenn King Terry
conf table
Jeff Joel Todd

Jeff Cooper, Joel Zdepski, Todd Christopher

Lou Dick

Lou Stetz, Dick Klensch


Liston Abbott


Jeremy Pollack

Rich Carlo
Terry Jeff

Terry Smith, Jeff Cooper

Kuria Glenn
Olu debug
Terry thru racks

Terry Smith and lots of wires


Rick Bunting

terry by whiteboard
Steve Bruce

Steve Pruss, Bruce Anderson

trans enc
trans dec
Terry with board

Terry Smith

Glenn carlo tshirt 2
Glenn whiteboard
carlo Curt Terry

Carlo Basile, Curt Carlson, Terry Smith


Joe Donahue (Thomson)


Liston Abbott

Ron Terry

Ron Kolcynski, Kuriacose Joseph, Terry Smith

Todd Charlie
SSQAM demod
houdini top
houdini bot
ad-hdtv field lab team

Rocco Brescia

computer room

AD-HDTV at the Advanced Television Test Center

computer room

Lew Stetz


Rocco Brescia

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